One in the Chair and Two Waiting: the dental podcast by Stuart Campbell and Michael Tang
Welcome to One in the Chair and Two Waiting : The Dental Podcast.
Join our Dental co-hosts Dr Stuart Campbell (@stuartcampbell.ldp) and Dr Michael Tang (@michaeltang8) as they embark on wide-ranging and banter-filled chats with top industry experts.
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One in the Chair and Two Waiting: the dental podcast by Stuart Campbell and Michael Tang
#51 Dr. Derek Marner
After a shocking admission from Dr. Tang's teenage years- that he was in a Cantonese Pop boyband... Our dynamic dental duo welcomes a guest who left a stable job as a general dentist to become an ultra-runner.
Tune in and slump back to hear how and why, Dr. Derek Marners swapped his familiar scrubs and gloves for a pair of running shoes at the tender age of 40 years young.
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For more information on our new ground-breaking implant course, please visit: Home - Scottish Dental Academy
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