One in the Chair and Two Waiting: the dental podcast by Stuart Campbell and Michael Tang

#46 Mr Dentures AKA Matthew Donnachie

Stuart Campbell & Michael Tang/Hatem Algraffee

For this instalment, we welcome a Scottish denture legend, multi-talented musician and Scottish heritage  enthusiast, Michael Donnachie RDT.

As Matthew reclines to reflect on his dental career creating superb dentures in the Highlands of Nairn, being Chair for a Circle of Gentlemen as a member of the Jacobite society to his colourful career in music with an exciting new album (endorsed by Bryan Ferry -of Roxy Music fame)  pending release. 

Follow us on Instagram @theoneinthechairandtwowaiting

You can follow Michael on Instagram @denturesbymatthew

You can follow the release of Matthews new album 'Afterworld' by visiting

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