One in the Chair and Two Waiting: the dental podcast by Stuart Campbell and Michael Tang
Welcome to One in the Chair and Two Waiting : The Dental Podcast.
Join our Dental co-hosts Dr Stuart Campbell (@stuartcampbell.ldp) and Dr Michael Tang (@michaeltang8) as they embark on wide-ranging and banter-filled chats with top industry experts.
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One in the Chair and Two Waiting: the dental podcast by Stuart Campbell and Michael Tang
#34 Dr Manrina Rhode
Stuart @stuartcampbell.ldp
Hatem @hatem_perioacademy
for a superb conversation with Knightsbridge celebrity cosmetic dentist
Dr Manrina Rhode @drmanrinarhode
Manrina tells us how she went straight from the trenches of VT to the plushy carpeted corridors of Harrods Dental Clinic
How she stayed there
How she set up her own clinic and lifestyle brand and became an internationally recognised provider of cosmetic dentistry.
Follow us on Twitter and submit your questions or ask for a mention on future episodes 😄